Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vacation after Graduation?

This post is simply a discussion out loud as I am deciding whether or not to take some time off after I graduate and before I start my practice. 

Some possible destinations: 

  • Backpacking through Europe with some old friends
  • Trekking through the Costa Rica jungle
  • Surfing the coast of Baja 

So I have heard many different opinions from recent chiropractic graduates and chiropractors who have been in practice for a while. 

The major theme I am seeing is that it is important to take a break, relax, and let loose after graduation for at least two weeks but more people have suggested that up to a month! I thought this was a little excessive noting that I don't have too much funds to spend now but many say it is well worth it the break and will actually help me be more productive when I return and start practice. 

So I am opening this discussion up to the masses, any opinions on taking a break after graduation?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How Posture is affected by chiropractic

Chiropractic ~ chi·ro·prac·tic ~/ˌkīrəˈpraktik/

A system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and hands on treatment of misalignments of the joints, more commonly the joints of the spine. 

Optimal posture and body position requires a fully functional spine which is able to move freely in every functional direction. The body is able to maintain this potential when it is resting and spending the majority of the day in a neutral position. When the body is positioned neutrally it is able to function with the least amount of abnormal stress, thus giving us an optimally functioning experience.

In daily life our bodies are subject to many unnatural, and abnormal stresses; and body body positions. One of the most common is sitting in conventional chairs for abnormally long periods of time (conventional desk working posture).

Chiropractic as defined above is the diagnosis and treatment of small misalignments that occur constantly because of these abnormal stresses and postures we assume in daily life. When these misalignments are left alone small adhesions start to form as the bodies natural protection mechanism, to stabilize the body preventing more misalignment. Now the joint is less mobile which causes bass and waste products to build up in the joint unable to leave because of the lack of proper movement and hydration of the joint.

The chiropractic adjustment aids in releasing these adhesions, creating movement and allowing movement which pumps out waste and gas build up while bringing in nutrients. The release of gas is what creates the "crackle sound". Now the joint is on its way back to fully assume its natural range of motion.

As you can see the body will continue to react in the same way when experiencing  these abnormal positions. This is why chiropractic maintenance or hygiene is so important, it provides your body the ability to assume a natural neutral posture, unhindered by misalignments and adhesions that build up. Proper posture allows the body to move normally the way it was designed to move thus avoiding misalignments and adhesions in its joints.

The spine or the backbone and often regarded as the foundation of the body, what the rest of the body is built upon and relies upon for its communication (spinal cord) and function (it holds the vital organs). Chiropractic spinal hygiene and daily postural awareness go hand in hand with a healthy spine and body that will function optimally for any activity or adventure you want to experience.

Taking care of your body starts with the foundational spine and maintaining it is similar to brushing your teeth daily. Posture how ever is used in every movement and moment of life so it is important that you are educated on how to safely use your body.  Reminders to hold your body correctly through the day are your part in keeping your spine healthy and moveable. Visiting your chiropractor for spinal hygiene appointments once a season (four times a year) is especially important if you have a habit of forgetting to maintain daily proper posture.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Seated Posture -how it affects your back

Do you have an office job? Do you sit for longer than one hour at a time? Do you have occasional back pain or stiffness and wonder why this is happening?

Upon enervating the modern workforce many people find themselves answering yes to these questions. One topic deserves more attention is "seated office posture". In essence it's the position of your body while you are sitting, and most of the time sitting and working on a computer.

Many professionals may be unaware of how proper positioning of your spin while seated can affect your productivity, decrease postural pain, and actually increase your confidence and public perception.

Lumbar (lower-back) Seated Posture

Many people are not aware that their posture while seated puts their spine in an abnormally flexed position; while naturally the spine is built structurally to have a forward curvature in the low-back. When your body is not naturally positioned the postural muscles of your back become irritated and your abdominal muscles become habitually weakened.

The solution is looking to how the spine is structurally built in order to disperse the loads placed upon it from the body. The lumbar spine (low-back) is composed of 5 moveable bones balanced on a large bone called the sacrum. The natural curvature in the lumbar spine has a range of 50-60 degrees. This curvature follows the shapes of the bones and allows for optimal distribution of the forces of gravity. This curve is actually a neutral position for the spine and a starting point for any action or movement.

What people often forget is that sitting is not natural for a person to do 8 hours a day 5 days a week. This is why chairs have lumbar support in the backs of the chair. Using this support to help position your low-back with healthy curvature will enable your spine to maintain healthy natural positions while at work.

Reminding yourself to take hourly walk breaks and then mindfully position your body back in your chair with a neutral and natural lumbar curve, is a good habit to help your body learn healthy postural habits.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to have better Posture

Posture in a classic sense is the body position when standing or seated. This definition can be broadened to: every stance and position we hold our bodies while working and relaxing.  

Optimal body posture requires a fully functional spine which is able to move freely in every functional direction. The body is built to be strongest and most protected in a neutral a neutral position, when your core muscles are structurally engaged and creating a brace about which we can move and work. When the body is positioned neutrally it is able to function with the least amount of abnormal stress on the spine, thus giving us an optimally functioning experience. In popular culture working out your "core" muscles has become very popular with new functional exercise programs. This new trend seems to have emerged to combat the increasing about one back pain and injuries that Americans today are experiencing. 

These core muscles are very important to a strong and stable body, however many people are forgetting a key element to protecting their spines. This key element is awareness of posture in our most common daily activities. Awareness of proper posture is not simple standing and sitting up straight. 

Proper posture is: 
  • Learning where to place our feet to provide a stable foundation for the rest of our body. 
  • Learning how to position our pelvis (hips) into a neutral position avoiding too much flexion or extension.
  • Learning to neutrally balance our lumbar spine (low-back) on top of the pelvis
  • Learning to properly place the shoulders on the thorax so that breathing is unhindered and actually facilitated. 
  • Finally learning how to balance our eyes on the horizon so that our necks are centered on the spine and not leaning forward. 
These are some basic topics of postural awareness that people tend not to remember and thus fall into a poor unnatural and unhealthy posture. Yes even people who have the strongest "core" muscles can still have poor posture if they are not practicing healthy natural body positioning. 

Future posts will go into more depth on human posture.

Here are some links to other Posture Blogs:
the posture blog

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Definition of Posture

The position of a person’s body when standing or sitting

All human systems inside the body  are designed to  function in a gravity dependent position. The human body tries to find
balance between all it’s systems under the laws of gravity.

This column of 24 connected moveable bones is balanced with three flexible curvatures which adapt to efficiently disperse the forces and movements of daily life. 

Daily maintenance and awareness of proper spinal curves is an essential part of daily spinal hygiene reducing altered alignment allowing for optimal function!